Friday, February 15, 2019

The Worst Movies of 2018

By Mark Pukalo

Once again, I did not torture myself by trying to see everything in 2018. But there were still enough movies, including three that the critics somehow loved, to make up a list of the year's worst.

I'm sure if I decided to see Aquaman or rent Fifty Shades Freed, Gotti, The Happy Time Murders,  The Home with a Clock in its Walls, Life of the Party, The Nun, Sicario: Day of Soldado, Terminal, Truth or Dare and Venom, some of them would have made the dubious list. But we will spare them this time around.

My annual picks for the best of 2018 will be coming in a few weeks before the Oscars. Never have I had a tougher time picking the best and putting the top 15 in order. Honestly, I'm still working on it.

But, until then, please don't rent these 21 films unless you are looking to punish yourselves.

Un-Honorable Mention: The Cloverfield Paradox, Den of Thieves, Incoming, Love Simon, The Sisters Brothers, 2036 Origin Unknown

15. The Commuter - He has a set of skills. Oh, wait, wrong movie. Bad script and Liam Neeson can't save it.

14. Disobedience - Rachel Weisz returns to a Jewish community that shunned her because she was different. Boring and slow.

13. I Feel Pretty - Amy Schumer's film is just not funny at all and has a strange concept.

12. Super Troopers 2 - A few humorous scenes, but mostly just dumb.

11. The Endless - Two brothers return to the cult that they left about decade earlier, because, basically, they were unsuccessful. It's weird, a little annoying, but not at all compelling.

10. Annihilation - A lot of nothing along the way to a confusing ending. Don't understand why critics liked it. Sorry Natalie. Still love ya.

9. Thoroughbreds - Snobby, uninteresting rich girls in Connecticut hatch a murder plan.

8. The Beyond - Confusing, slow science fiction film with an unsatisfying ending.

7. Peppermint - I like Jennifer Garner. But, geez, not as a vigilante. They didn't even show her training to become some sort of super hero.

6. The Favourite - A few laughs from Emma Stone, but I was mostly annoyed by this 18th century story about two women fighting dirty for the affection of the goofy Queen. If you enjoy watching people throw up, it's for you. Apparently the Academy did.

5. How it Ends - Apocalyptic story with not much to offer on its long journey to the West Coast.

4. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - I just don't like Coen Brothers films as much as most people do I guess. Fargo and True Grit were the only passable ones I can remember. This set of tales about random western characters falls flat in my eyes.

3. The Week Of - Adam Sandler and Chris Rock flop in a film that is forced and not particularly entertaining. Even Dan Patrick can't save it. LOL.

2. Don't Worry, He won't get there on Foot - Never found anything amusing or interesting about this film starring Joaquin Phoenix as a man trying to sober up after a crippling accident.

1. Mile 22 - I like Mark Wahlberg, but this is just a bad script with characters you don't care about and a lot of mindless violence. It earns the worst of 2018 very easily, especially since I wasted money at the theater to see it.


2017 - Mother!

2016 - 13 Hours and Hail Caesar!

2015 - Chappie

2014 - The Monuments Men

2013 - The Place Between the Pines

2012 - Cloud Atlas

2011 - Tree of Life

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